Friday, December 24, 2010

John Wayne Parr vs. Baxter Humby possible for April 1st

Responding to Baxter Humby calling him out, John Wayne Parr replied with saying he would smash in the face of Humby and make him think twice about calling him out.

The news with Parr's comments originally posted here on made its rounds and Parr responded to fans on Sherdog's Kickboxing Forum.  It seems that Champion of Champions Elite is trying to put this fight on in Los Angeles, CA on April 1st according to Parr. 

The following is what was posted by Parr:

"I got a email a while ago saying Baxter wanted to even the score and fight me again, I brushed it off thinking that's cute. When the video popped up this morning it has sunk in that it's real and now a little personal.
Last time we fought I was suppose to fight Chungpuk but he couldn't get a visa, 3 days before the show we tried Jongsanan but he hadn't been training and we couldn't agree on a weight. To Baxters credit he put his hand up and said he would step up and fight me late notice. In my corner on the night I had the owner of Twins help me out as I was living in the States at the time, before the fight started he said to me "first 2 rounds just play the game, round 3 pick it up". First 2 rounds I chased Baxter round trying to cut off the ring, he moved well from side to side and threw lots of different kicks, round two he landed a side kick and it pushed me over, I remember thinking to myself "hey that's awesome" as the crowd really got behind him and it made it more of a even fight. round 3 started and I put the pressure on, I landed some nice combo's and Baxter got two 8 counts, once again to his credit he didn't go down but he wasn't defending himself. When I went to go into fight again after the 2nd knock down Baxters trainer threw the towel.
I have been asked to fight Baxter again on Champions of Champions April 1st in L.A, no venue has been set as such but as more details come in I will keep you posted. The rematch I am not planning on being as polite as the first fight."

From his comments it seems Parr doesn't consider Humby of being on his level, and took it easy on Humby in their first fight. It will be interesting to see if this fight ends up happening, and it would be great for American Muay Thai fans if Parr came to the United States for a fight.

We will keep you posted here at with any developments.
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