Monday, January 24, 2011

Michael Mananquil talks re-match with Malaipet

In July of 2010 Michael Mananquil and Malaipet met at the Quiet Cannon in Montebello, CA. After a hard fought five rounds, to many the decision seemed to be up in the air, and when the judges announcement was made it was in favor of Malaipet via split decision. There was a large amount of fans that thought the fight should have been awarded to Malaipet, so now they are doing it one more time. 

Mananquil and Malaipet will meet on February 12th at The Star of the Desert Arena @ Buffalo Bill's Casino in Primm Valley, NV as part of the inaugural Lion Fight Promotions event. Muay Thai Authority caught up with Michael and get his thought on the first fight, and the re-match, as well as his future plans. Read below, and enjoy.

MTA: You have upcoming re-match with Malaipet. Going back to the first fight, there was a good amount of people that thought you should have gotten the nod that fight. When it was over did you have any doubt in your mind you had won that fight or did you think it was to close to call?

Michael: It was to close to call. I feel I didn't WIN the fight. I didn't clearly beat him. I feel he did not beat me either.

If there is anything you could change from your first fight with Malaipet performance wise what would it be?

Michael: I'd like to have an overall much better experience this next time around.

MTA: Training for Malaipet now, is there anything different you are doing in your training? Or is it the same thing, and you just plan to execute differently?

Michael: I've actually learned new tactics and techniques. This I'm very excited about because that's what I enjoy doing. Personally learning new things and not becoming stagnant and stale is definitely the way to go.

MTA: What is your prediction for the fight with Malaipet?

Michael: I would like to finish it quickly and decisively. No questions asked, no second thoughts and no room for explanations. As for an actual prediction... it's a fight. Either of us can go in there with the unfathomable superiority of a Goliath and catch a swift stone to the temple to end the night abruptly. I'll simply be ready to do my best.

MTA: Now before you first fight with Malaipet you had a layoff from competition, do you feel that could have affected you in the fight?

Michael: Nope. Even with my 9 month hiatus after my previous fight in China I would like to believe that I would always be ready under any circumstances.

MTA: What was the reason for your layoff from Muay Thai?

Michael: I didn't fight in the ring for 9 months but I never parted from Muay Thai. I still trained everyday no matter where I was. Even if I wanted to walk away from training I don't ever think I could.

MTA: Going back to the beginning of your career. When did you first start training Muay Thai and why?

Michael: I started when I was 15. My father had a friend who suggested for my older brother and me to train the Thai Martial Art with his friend Kru Sam. I agreed and later that week popped into what seemed to be a 10ft x 10ft gym and started my days towards the summit to become a martial artist.

MTA: As far as your future in the sport, who are some opponents you would like to face, and what are some of your goals?

Michael: In the sport, I'd like to fight great fighters whom in turn bring the best out of me. The dream of becoming the strongest can not ever fully elude me but I have accepted that there are and always will be greater fighters than myself. My goal, perhaps to simply get the nod or look of credibility from some of them. On less of a tangent, I think I'd like to open a gym sometime, teach the art, retire, have a beautiful caring wife, wonderful family, and pleasant home surrounded by scenery. The good life. 

The plan sounds simple enough for Michael Mananquil, go in and make sure you don't leave it in the hands of the judges. He admits it isn't and easy task, but it also isn't impossible. That's one of the best things you can hear from a fighter getting ready for a big fight because you know when they step into the ring they are doing so with the intention to finish the fight rather than win on points. On the same token, it is probably safe to say Michael expects Malaipet to come in thinking the exact same thing, and not wanting the fight to go to the judges. So if you do the math, Michael Mananquil looking to finish the fight, and Malaipet looking to finish the fight leads to one very exciting re-match.
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