Thursday, February 10, 2011

Anthony Castrejon talks upcoming fight with Jason Andrada

 Muay Thai Authority caught up with Anthony Castrejon to talk about his upcoming fight with Jason Andarada on Feb. 12th at Lion Fight Promotions inaugural event "Battle in the Desert".

MTA: You have an upcoming fight on Feb. 12th with Jason Andrada how has your training for the fight been going?

Anthony: My training has been going great working on a lot of new things for this fight.

MTA: Anything Jason brings to this fight that you feel could present problems for you?

Anthony: Jason has a big right hand that's what everyone that fights him finds out real fast.

MTA: Can you give us a prediction for the fight with Jason?

Anthony: It's going to be a war in that ring with me and him and the fans are going to get to see what they have been waiting for.

MTA: What are you Muay Thai plans for 2011?

Anthony: Plans are to go pro and see were it takes me from there.

MTA: How do you know when you are ready to go pro?

Anthony: When my trainer feels that I am ready then I know that it's time to turn pro.

MTA: Amateur fighters are not allowed to throw elbows in most places, what are you thoughts on that rule? Is it something you would like to see changed?

Anthony: The rule is good because we are not getting paid to get all cut up and hurt as a pro fighter would. The rule saves us till we go pro I think the rule should stay forever. Am fighters should not be allowed to throw elbows. Why risk a bad cut when you don't need to?

MTA: Is MMA in your future? It seems to be a move many martial artist make because the money is a lot better.

Anthony: With the way things are looking for Muay Thai a lot of us wont have to fight MMA because of the money, there is a lot more shows now that we can fight on.
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