Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bangkok Fight Night 9 recap

William Felch was on hand to re-cap the action of last Friday's Bangkok Fight Night 9.

Robel Kebede vs. Jade Kamchamnam
Right out of the gate some good back and forth. Both fighters throwing kicks low and high, both countering the other looking for the right time to strike. This fight was very active in the clinch, with both fighters landing solid knees and lots of body shots. The fight went all 3 rounds with no lull in action what so ever both fighters gave it their all until the bell, and Robel Kebede took the judges decision.

Erik Castro vs. Josh Downing
Both fighters met in the middle of the ring testing the others defenses working faints and counters. Downing moved about the ring trying to coax Castro into his reach. Instead he left his front leg open for many heavy attacks from Castro. Lots of feeling out in the first round with Castro landing a number of shots to Downings leg. In the second round Downing came out with a few awkward taekwondo style combonations and landed a few strikes. Castro continued to work on Downings legs and work into the clinch. The round ended with both fighters battling for the round. At the start of the third Downing came out heavy again, but Castro continued to work the leg. Lots of clinch work in the middle of the ring. Both fighters battled for the round knowing they each needed it to win. In the end Downing took home a split decision to the crowds disapproval.

Colleen Louima vs. Mary Matia
First round Mary came out chin down swinging BIG! Colleen was caught a little off gaurd and took a few clean shots. A knott is very visible by mid round. A lot of striking in the first round from both fighters, with very little missing their target. To start the second round Mary stepped in with a vengeance and continued to land hard clean shots to the face of Colleen. Colleen started to let her legs go and put together her combos, even more action than the first round and both ladies still had plenty of gas. In the last round if you had just taken your seat, you would have thought it was the first. Nice and tight combos with most strikes meeting their target. Mary started to get the best of Colleen and relentlessly started to push forward. In the end Mary Matia won the bout by decision and the crowd on their feet the entire time.

Moe Travis vs. Tecia Torres
One of the most anticipated fights of the night, these two came to bang, and did nothing less. First round Torres came out hard on the offensive landing a few clean shots on Moe. Moe countered everything thrown and held up the center of the ring for a majority of the first round. Second round both ladies turned it up, multiple hit combinations, and each fighter countering constantly. Moe started to sweep Torres with every kick, putting her on the canvas numerous times. The round ended with a string exchange in the clinch both fighters trading knees. The third and forth round had a steady exchange of strikes with neither fighter showing a sign of gassing after four rounds and still turning it up. Moe continued to sweep Torres and won every battle in the clinch. It would be an understatement to say one of Moe's strengths is in the clinch. It is definitely her world. The fight ended with the crowd on their feet and both ladies trading. In the end Moe Travis won the bout and another belt for her collection, while improving her record to 9-0.
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  1. Thank you! Great review. It was a tough match for me and tecia is no joke! Glad I could test myself against such a great competitor! -MOE Travis!!! =)

  2. Moe,

    William said it was a hell of a fight. Congrats.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Moe always puts on a great show.. Its a given. She fights her fight every time, and always takes em to school!.
