Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trainer Umar Love arrested in Canada

Umar Love, the Apple Valley Muay Thai trainer who was wanted by San Bernardino County police for allegedly molesting six teenage girls was arrested on Saturday in Canada. Love made headlines the last week of December after skipping town when he was released on bail.

Love was originally arrested on December 14, 2011 after a female student at his Apple Valley gym accused him of sexually abusing her. Love was released on bail, but a further investigation turned up five more potential female victims ranging from 14-16 years of age. When authorities tried to serve Love with a search warrant on December 22, 2011 he had already left town.

Canadian authorities were tipped off by anonymously that Love was at a hotel in Quebec City, Canada near Jean Lesage International Airport. He was arrested at around 5 a.m. on Saturday morning. Love’s girlfriend, Suzann Elizabeth Angel was not arrested and it has not been made clear if she was with him when he was arrested.
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