Friday, August 17, 2012

Ognjen Topic talks upcoming fight with Neungsiam Samphusri

Ognjen Topic will be stepping into the ring for what many expect to be his biggest fight to date. Topic will be fighting Neungsiam Samphusri at this upcoming weekends Push Kick Promotions “Thailand vs. The Americas” event. Topic took some time from his training to answer a few questions about the upcoming fight.

MTA: You are set fight Neungsiam this upcoming weekend, how has training been for this fight?

Ognjen: It's been going great, same as always. I train hard no matter who I am facing.

MTA: This is easily the biggest fight of your career thus far. Is there any added pressure as you get ready to train for Neungsiam?

Ognjen: No added pressure other than the usual pressure to perform well and to win.

MTA: How familiar are you with Neungsiam?

Ognjen: Prior to this fight I have never heard of him although my trainers have. They have also seen his latest fights.

MTA: Where do you feel you might be able to hold an advantage in the fight?

Ognjen: This will be an experience vs. youth fight. I am always in tremendous shape so that will be my advantage.

MTA: Is there anything you feel you have to be extra cautious about in this bout?

Ognjen: No, I fully understand the Thai mentality and the way they fight. This is the type of fight I have been waiting for.

MTA: You are considered the under dog in this bout, how does that sit with you?

Ognjen: I love the fact that I am an underdog. To me it's a challenge and challenges make me perform at a higher level.

MTA: What can fans expect from you come the 18th of August?

Ognjen: The fans will see the usual technical style that I bring, with added intelligence.
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