Tuesday, October 16, 2012

GLORY Final 8 draws: Ky Hollenbeck faces Giorgio Petrosyan

The draws for the GLORY Final 8 (@GLORY_WS) took place today and it American Ky Hollenbeck will undoubtedly have the biggest task of his fighting career as he will face Giorgio Petrosyan in the first fight of the night. All of the action will take at GLORY 3 in Rome on November 3rd. The three other opening round match-ups of the Final 8 will feature Shemsi Beqiri vs. Davit Kiria (@DavitKiria), Robin van Roosmalen (@RobinvRoosmalen) vs. Tim Thomas and Albert Kraus vs. Sanny Dahlbeck (@SannyDahlbeck).

Hollenbeck has made his name taking on all challengers regardless of experience or name. He established himself in 2011 as a top fighter not only in the America, but the world with wins over the likes of Vuyisile Colossa, Jordan Watson and Gregory Choplin. A win over Giorgio Petrosyan would be huge for the San Francisco based fighter.

Final 8 Match-ups:
Ky Hollenbeck vs. Giorgio Petrosyan
Shemsi Beqiri vs. Davit Kiria
Robin van Roosmalen vs. Tim Thomas
Albert Kraus vs. Sanny Dahlbeck
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