Friday, September 2, 2011

Results and live play by play for the Muaythai Premier League's "Stars and Stripes"

Tonight the Muaythai Premier League (MPL) will take place and some of the best fighters in the world will make their American debuts. The MPL's "Stars and Stripes" event is stacked from top to bottom with names such as Buakaw, Nathan Corbett, Julie Kitchen, Artem Levin, Simon Marcus and many more. The event will take place at the Walter Pyramid in Long Beach, CA as well as stream live on For those that can't make it to the event or catch the PPV stream on-line. They can follow our live play by play by following Muay Thai Authority on twitter @MuayThaiAuth and on our official facebook page.

Muay Thai Authority will be on the scene and reporting live from the event. Keep checking back here at Muay Thai Authority as well for a live play by play.

Leo Monteiro vs. Michael Dicks

Rd. 1
Dicks looking to work the leg kicks early. Monteiro with some solid kicks of his own. Dicks is the one controlling the actions and moving forwards. Solid inside leg kick by Dicks who then catches a kick from Monteiro and pushes him to the canvas. Solid elbow by Dicks. Monteiro with a teep to the face and solid right overhand. Both fighters are connecting with solid strikes. They clinch and Dicks connects with a knee to the body before the ref breaks it up. They clinch again and exchange some light knees.

Rd. 2
Monteiro comes out looking to strike first. They clinch and exchange knees to the body. Monteiro with solid knees to the body. Monteiro with a kick to the body as he is really putting it together in the second round. Head kick by Monteiro blocked by Dicks. Clinch and some solid knees by Monteiro. Monteiro is really starting to steal this round. Dicks seems to be gassing a bit. Nice uppercut by Dicks and the round ends.

Rd. 3
Dicks tosses Monteiro to the canvas. They clinch and Dicks lands a knee to the body. Dicks looking to press the action this round as he works his hands and mixes in a few elbows. They clinch and Dicks throws a knee before they are broken up. Leg kick by Dicks. They clinch and trade more knees to the body. Nice elbow to the body by Dicks from the clinch. Dicks with a knee to the body from the clinch. The second half of the round is being fought in the clinch. Head kick by Dicks. Round over.

Result: Michael Dicks def. Leo Monteiro via Unanimous Decision (30-27 all three judges)

Valentina Shevchenko vs. Angelique Pitiot

Rd. 1
Pitiot looking to move forward first. Nice kick to the body by Pitiot. Left by Shevchenko lands flush. Big left by Shevchenko lands. Clinch and light knees are exchanged. Very technical round with and a spinning back kick to the body by Shevchenko. Nice combination by Shevchenko as the round ends.

Rd. 2
Shevchenko throws Pitiot to the ground. They clinch and again Shevchenko throws Pitiot to the ground, nice elbow by Shevchenko. A well times jab by Shevchenko connects. Spinning kick by Shevchenko misses but she lands a nice one two. Leg kick by Shevchenko as the round ends.

Rd. 3
Shevchenko moves in and again tosses Pitiot to the canvas. Spinning back fist misses by Shevchenko, they clinch and exchange knees. A flying knee by Pitiot is stopped as Shevchenko catches her in mid air. A leg kick followed by a nice right connects. Shevchenko seems content with clinching and throwing Pitiot to the canvas. Very tough round to score. Nice left hand by Shevchenko. Shevchenko ends the fight in the clinch with a light knee.

Result: Valentina Shevchenko def. Angelique Pitiot via Split Decision

Artem Levin vs. David Keclik

Rd. 1
Levin moving forward. Elbow lands and a nice shot to the body. Keclik looks very tense. An elbow by Levin connects. Levin doesn’t seem worried at all with his hands low. Vicious body shot by Levin. Knees to the head then and elbow by Levin. Levin tosses Keclik to the canvas. Teep to the face by Levin.

Rd. 2 
Keclik comes out aggressive in the second. Levin with a nice elbow. Right hook then another elbow by Levin. Elbow by Levin and Keclik really has no offense for him. Body kick by Levin. Levin with his hands down Ali style. Keclik lands a big left. Keclik doing everything to avoid the clinch. Keclik lands some nice shots on Levin. Knee to the head by Levin and the round ends.

Rd. 3
Levin imposing his will again. It looks like Keclik’s nose might be broken. Levin doesn’t seem worried and is happy to just pick Keclik apart. Keclik fighting back but Levin just has too much firepower. A flying knee connects and sends Keclik down and the fight is over. Big cut over the eye of Keclik.

Result: Artem Levin def. David Keclik via KO (Knee) at 2:28 of Rd. 3

Filip Verlinden vs. Martin Jahn

Rd. 1
Nice right by Verlinden. Jahn with a leg kick. Overhand right by Verlinden he is unloading on Jahn. Jahn seems to be in trouble as Verlinden tees off. Verlinden I looking to finish a flying knee and then he connects with some solid punches. Jahn looks to be in trouble but hangs tough. Nice elbows by Verlinden. That was a one sided round. The ref stops the fight due to a huge cut over Jahn’s eye.

Result: Filip Verlinden def. Martin Jahn via (T)KO (Doctor Stoppage) at 3:00 of Rd. 1

Zidov Domenik vs. Baxter Humby

Rd. 1
Humby with a push kick. Zidov seems to be stalking waiting to unleash. Humby moving forward well. Zidov is cut already and Humby send Zidov down with a spinning back kick to the body. Zidov is down for the count.

Result: Baxter Humby def. Zidov Domenik by KO at 1:40 of Rd. 1 (Humby wins WMC Intercontinental Title)

Denis Schniedmiller vs. Mehdi Zatout

Rd. 1
Schniedmiller is pressing. Zatout looks to lay back. They clinch and a knee from Zatout. Schniedmiller looks to be the stronger of the two. Schniedmiller really working his hands in the first round.

Rd. 2
Clinch and Zatout with a body lock and some knees to the legs of Schniedmiller. Schniedmiller is really getting aggressive, but some nice knees from Zatout in the clinch. Schniedmiller is really on the attacks just gunning for Zatout. Clear round in his favor. His hands look good.

Rd. 3
Schniedmiller still aggressive. Zatout doesn’t seem to know what to do. They clinch and Schiedmiller works to the body and Zatout with some knees. Zatout is having trouble with the pressure Schniedmiller is putting on him. He is firing back and landing some decent throws but it is Schniedmiller is working.

Result: Denis Schniedmiller def. Mehdi Zatout via Split Decision

Julie Kitchen vs. Martina Jindrova

Rd. 1
Leg kick by Kitchen. Kitchen pressing the action and working kicks. Full Thai clinch by Kitchen and she is connecting with knees to the body. Leg kick by Kitchen. Left by Kitchen. Jindrova fighting back but Kitchen presses the action and has landed cleaner shots.

Rd. 2
Kitchen working the clinch again. Knees from the clinch. Kitchen sets the pace and continues to out score Jindrova in the clinch. It is rinse wash and repeat for the entire round.

Rd. 3
High kick by Kitchen is blocked. Nice punch kick combination by Kitchen. Clinch and more knees by Kitchen. Jindrova tries to fire knee backs but Kitchen clearly has the better position. They break and back to the clinch. They break and Kitchen working her kicks. Kitchen has Jindrova in the corner and working some short elbows and punches. Jindrova is just moving back as Kitchen keeps moving forward.

Result: Julie Kitchen der. Martina Jindrova via Unanimous Decision

Nieky Holzken vs. Marco Pique

Rd. 1
Pique starts things off with a leg kick. Holzken with a stiff jab. They exchange body kick. Leg kicks exchanged. Body shot by Pique. Head kick by Holzken partially connects. Spinning heal kick to the head is blocked. Nice overhand right by Pique. Leg kick by Holzken. Close first round

Rd. 2
Pique with kicks to the body. Nice right by Pique. Holzken misses with an elbow. They exchange leg kicks. Pique pressing the action. Nice left hook by Holzken and then a body shot. Some good exchanges and a very close round again.

Rd. 3
Pique comes out looking to press in the third. He connects with some nice body then head combinations. Leg kick by Holzken. Both hitting hard but with great technique. Elbow by Holzken grazes Pique. Nice over hand right by Holzken. Nice combination punch kick combination by Holzken drops Pique. Pique gets and eight count and then Holzken tees off looking to end it until the round ends.

Result: Nieky Holzken def. Marco Pique by Majority Decision

Simon Marcus vs. Artem Vakhitov
Rd. 1
Vakhitov starts things off with head kicks which Marcus blocks. Leg kick by Vakhitov. Marcus with a nice knee in the clinch followed by an elbow. Nice combination by Vakhitov with his hands. Marcus tosses Vakhitov to the canvas. Marcus presses the action and they clinch. Vakhitov is backing up but doing a good job countering. Big right by Marcus. Close first round

Rd. 2
Marcus misses with two head kicks as Vakhitov moves out of range nicely. They clinch and Marcus lands some solid knees to the body. Vakhitov is now pressing the action. Marcus seems to be out of his rhythm. They clinch and some knees to the body from Simon Marcus. Leg kick by Marcus. He misses with an elbow. Clinch and more knees to the body by Marcus. Marcus with more knees to the body from the clinch.

Rd. 3
Some showmanship between Marcus and Vakhitov and then they begin to go at it. Marcus with some knees to the body. Body kick by Marcus. Vakhitov with a push kick. Elbow from Simon Marcus. Clinch and knees to the body by Marcus. Marcus working some good knees from the clinch. Marcus is connecting with some good elbows then with a head kick. Marcus is really pressing the action as this fight comes to a close. Very exciting fight.

Result: Simon Marcus def. Artem Vakhitov via Unanimous Decision

Nathan Corbett vs. Tomas Hron

Rd. 1
Hron comes out throwing but Corbett just presses forward looking to land a big shot. Nice body shot by Corbett. A body shot followed by a hook from Corbett drops Hron. He answers the referees count. Corbett immediately goes back to work and an elbow drops Hron and cuts him as well. Corbett knocks Horn down once more and the referee stops the fight.

Result: Nathan Corbett def. Tomas Hron by KO at 2:38 of Rd. 1

Buakaw vs. Warren Stevelmans

Rd. 1
Head kick by Stevelmans blocked by Buakaw. Head kick Buakaw blocked by Stevelmans. Teep to the face by Buakaw. Big left by Stevelmans. Buakaw misses with a fling knees. Elbow by Buakaw. Body kick by Buakaw. Not too much action but Buakaw likely took that round

Rd. 2
Head kick by Buakaw grazes Stevelmans. Stevelmans on the attack. Leg kicks by Buakaw. Nice right by Buakaw. Knee to the body by Buakaw followed by an elbow. Leg kick by Buakaw then a knee to the body again. Leg kicks by Buakaw and again working the knee to the body. Elbow by Buakaw connects flush. Buakaw with some showboating. A counter right by Buakaw lands. A knee to he body by Buakaw who is starting to take over.

Rd. 3
Buakaw with an elbow. Stevelmans fire back with a combination then Buakaw goes back on the attack with kicks. Knee to the body by Buakaw. Stevelmans is swinging for the knockout now. Buakaw tosses Stevelmans to the mat. Body shot by Stevelmans. Buakaw with knees to the body followed by elbows. Buakaw pressing the action and connects with some punches. Body shots by Buakaw. Stevelmans seems out matched. Stevelmans connects with some solid punches before Buakaw presses forward and lands some elbows.

Rd. 4
Buakaw with a knee to the body. Another knee to the body. Stevelmans exchanges some punches with Buakaw. Elbow by Buakaw and then a push kick knocks Stevelmans down. Stevelmans looks fatigued and the ref has seen enough and stops the fight.

Result: Buakaw def. Warren Stevelmans via (T)KO at 1:59 of Rd. 4 (wins WMC junior middleweight title)

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