
March 14, 2012:
Artem Levin vs. Simon Marcus a year in the making, but well worth the wait

September 4, 2012:
America at a Glance - Highlighting Muay Thai in America: Glen Spencer, Jr

April 19, 2012:
Muay Thai - Sport of the Future

February 15, 2012:
Simon Marcus: The Fighting Prophet

January 3, 2012:
Gluten Free - A New Era of Athletes

December 21, 2011:
The Rise of Muaythai in the East

November 17, 2011:
From the Brink and Back: Chaz Mulkey

November 9, 2011:
The People's Champ: Rami Ibrahim

October 20, 2011:
Romie Adanza - From Sparring Dummy to Champion

October 19, 2011:
12 rounds with Kevin Ross

September 23, 2011:
The Tornado: Turan Hasanov

September 21, 2011:
Justin Greskiewicz: Looking to continue his climb to the top through rough terrain

September 19, 2011:
Khanomtom Fire: Khru Ray Cole

August 26, 2011:  
They wanted to test my heart

August 19, 2011:
Mark Beecher: Building Champions

August 18, 2011:
Weight Cutting in Muay Thai: History, Ethics and How-To

August 11, 2011:
Simon Chu: The Marksman

August 2, 2011:
Drew Dober - A Muay Thai purist at heart

July 20, 2011:
Liam Harrison - Coming from across the pond

June 23, 2011:
Fixing the Bank with Joseph Valtellini

June 1, 2011:
Phillipe Nover - A Muay Thai detour

May 10, 2011:
Chris Romulo - A Muay Thai Lifer

April 12, 2011:
Almost working for minimum wage

March 17, 2011:
National Muaythai Day

March 14, 2011:
Omar Ahmed: Ready to expand abroad

February 24, 2011:
Borzoo Honargohar - Finding a Muay Thai gold mine

February 23, 2011:
Artem Sharoshkin - It's never too late

January 6, 2011:
Muay Thai, an offer you can't refuse

December 29, 2010:
It's better to dance with the devil that you know than to sing with the one you don't

November 16, 2010:
Cyrus Washington - Ready for the I-1 World Muay Thai Grand Slam 2010

November 12, 2010:
Luis Bio - Carrying the weight of his country on his shoulders, and loving it

October 8, 2010:
Romie Adanza - Sometimes they come back

September 22, 2010:
Anthony Nieves -  Ready to take advantage of his window

September 8, 2010:
We have a dream!

September 1, 2010:
Stephen Richards: He came, he fought, he conquered

August 16, 2010:
Muay Thai doesn't pay the bills

August 9, 2010:
Fabio Pinca: Ready for Thai Fight

August 8, 2010:
Why aren't the best American Muay Thai fighters on every U.S. event?

August 4, 2010:
Push Kick Promotions: Pushing Muay Thai to the next level

August 3, 2010:
John Wayne Parr: Doing not only for himself, but also for the kids

July 30, 2010:
Edgar Islas: From Watching to Fighting

July 26, 2010:
Roxy Richardson: A Personal Challenge for Greatness

July 21, 2010:
Chaz Mulkey: The Quest for the Green Belt
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