Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday Night Fights now officially Friday Night Fights Muay Thai, new website launches

Earlier in 2011, North America’s longest running Muay Thai promotion; Friday Night Fights officially changed their name to Friday Night Fights Muay Thai. The name change came ahead of their new website launch, www.FridayNightFights.com. The official names change indicates their commitment to the Muay Thai community. When asked about the name change, FNFMT President Justin Blair had the following to say about the name change.

“While in addition to Muay Thai, we have also produced Boxing and MMA, our focus over the last few years has been predominantly Muay Thai. In 2011, we decided to produce Muay Thai exclusively under the Friday Night Fights banner and felt that our name should reflect our commitment to the sport.”

In addition, Friday Night Fights has plans to expand to the west coast. If you visit the new website one of the first images you will see is of the Seattle Space Needle. Upon further reading you will see that Friday Night Fights is heading to the west coast.

“As the longest running Muay Thai series in North America, we felt that the time was right to expand. We’ve done a great deal of research and feel that Seattle is a great choice to bring FNFMT to. We have not yet announced our main and co main event although we expect to do so by mid-March” said Blair.

The new website is very interactive. FNFMT Media Director Lance Burns stated “We have so many exciting things happening this year that it was something that we wanted to work on. Naturally, the website is the best manner to deliver news and information about what we are working on….and because of this we improved our current website for bothfighters as well as fans to be a go to place for information. While facebook has been a great tool for us to communicate to our fans, it doesn’t allow us to provide in depth information that a website can.

Before they head west they are preparing for their upcoming event on March 9th. Joseph Valtellini will be taking on Shawn Yarborough at the Broad Street Ballroom in New York. Yarborough is a hard hitting seasoned veteran that has never been stopped in a pro fight. Valtellini is a hard hitting young gun that has won all five of his pro fights by stoppage. This will be the biggest test of Valtellini’s career and Yarborough will undoubtedly be looking to make him fail.
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