Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 Muay Thai fights we want to see in 2011

Muay Thai is looking to continue its growth here in the United States in 2011, and here at Muay Thai Authority we decided to compile the top 10 fights we would love to see in 2011. All of the fights include a North American fighter, and if we are lucky and any of these fights do happen in 2011, then hopefully they will all be on U.S. soil.

Keep in mind that there are many exciting fights that could be made, but these are the top 10 that we would consider competitive, and ground breaking or entertaining.

10. Luis Bio vs. Chaz Mulkey - Both of these fighters are exciting, and tough as nails. Bio hasn't had much of a chance to show of his skills state side, but this fighter from Ensenada, Mexico has put together a solid resume. Mulkey is a highly talented fighter, that has been fighting tough opposition since day one. Don't let his 3-4 record fool you, when you come to see Mulkey fight you are in for a show, and his losses have all been to talented fighters such as Chike Lindsay, Remy Bonnel, and Joe Schilling. Both of these fighters would benefit from this fight, and either claiming the others name on his win column would be impressive.

9. Gabriel Varga vs. Terrence Hill 2 -Gabriel Varga could arguably be unbeaten right now as a pro. He fought Terrence Hill at Take-On Productions $10,000 tournament this past summer, and much debate was made of the decision that was awarded to Hill. Some have gone as far as to hint that there could have been some foul play involved in the decision. That kind of drama always makes for good fights.

8. Shawn Yarborough vs. Alex Berrios - Both of these light heavyweights have suffered losses to Stephen Richards, and if paired up against one another would likely put on a great show. Both are technical fighters that know how to finish, and putting them in a ring together would likely guarantee an exciting but technical fight.

7. Romie Adanza vs. Andy Howson 2 - The fighters met in 2010 at the Muay Thai in America show in Santa Monica, CA with Adanza walking away with a split decision. Howson is certain he won that fight, as are some of the fans. What better way to settle a debate like that than by having them do it again. It was an entertaining fight the first time why wouldn’t it be an entertaining fight the second time. Adanza would look to shut up the critics who think he  lost, and Howson would be looking to make sure it wouldn't go to judges.

6. Joseph Valtellini vs. Anthony Nieves/Joe Schilling - Valtellini vs. Nieves or Schilling would be a great fight for the recently turned pro to measure up his skills. Both Nieves and Schilling are aggressive fighters, that bring everything you can imagine in a fight. Valtellini would be in for a tough test, but if he passes it would be a great notch on his belt. Valtellini is a very skillful fighter, and should be ready to up grade his competition soon, and this would be one hell of a way to do it. Fighting outside of New York would be great for Valtellini as he would get to use elbows, and showcase his overall game.

5. Ky Hollenbeck vs. Jesse Miles - Hollenbeck's stock has sky rocketed in the last year, and it seems it will continue to rise until he runs into someone that can challenge him. Miles has established himself in the Canadian seen, and even had a respectable showing at the Kings Cup this year taking Cosmo Alexandre to a decision in the first round of the tournament. If Hollenbeck were to defeat Miles he would add a solid name to his belt, and names like Cosmo Alexandre, and Marco Pique should begin to be thrown into the mix of possible opponents. If Miles were to win, he would only continue to cement his status as one of Canada's top fighters.

4. Anthony Nieves vs. Joe Schilling - Fireworks is the only word that would come to mind when thinking of this match-up. Both fighters are aggressive, and both throw lethal elbows. Blood would be guaranteed in this fight, and with both fighters being equal in size it would be interesting seeing who could impose their game plan on the other. This would probably be the most violent fight of the year if it took place, and if it did take place you would probably see more elbows thrown than you thought possible.

3. Kevin Ross vs. Fabio Pinca - Ross continues to establish his name with quality wins world wide. He has expressed interest fighting the recent Thai Fight champion. This is an unlikely fight to happen since Pinca keeps pretty active and busy. If we get lucky both will enter a tournament and meet at some point in the tournament. Ross wants Pinca's WBC belt, and you cant count him out, even against a fighter as good as Pinca.

2. Miriam Nakamoto vs. Julie Kitchen - This fight is supposed to take place in early 2011 since their December 2010 fight was postponed. Kitchen has so many belts to her name you cant event count, and Nakamoto is the best female Muay Thai fighter in the United States. Nakamoto would continue to show she is one of the best in the world with a win over Kitchen, and Kitchen would only continue to add to her legacy if she defeated Nakamoto. The fans are honestly the winners in this fight, as it should be a very exciting bout. This is the only fight on the list that is currently expected to happen in 2011.

1. Kevin Ross vs. Saenchai - As everyone probably knows by now, Saenchai has expressed interest in fighting Kevin Ross. The only thing preventing this fight from happening is someone putting this fight together. Kevin Ross is ready to fight Saenchai, and vice versa. As mentioned before it is not every day a Thai great like Saenchai calls out and American, and Kevin Ross is always a game opponent who cant be counted out. If Ross were to pull out the win, it would continue the progress of Americans in Muay Thai, and help them gain a little respect, not to mention the doors it should open for Ross. If this were to happen and Ross were to win then the Pinca bout would seem more likely.
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