Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Muay Thai wish list for 2011

It's Christmas time and everyone has a wish list. Here at Muay Thai Authority we got together and came up with our Muay Thai wish list for 2011, and hopefully the Muay Thai Santa delivers, and we get our wishes so that Muay Thai can continue to grow in North America.

There is a little bit of everything on our list from promotions to fighters. We could have gone on and on with this list, but we figured we better not be greedy. We narrowed the list down to five things, and we think they are all doable.

1. Kevin Ross vs. Saenchai - It doesn't matter who makes it happen as long as it happens. It isn't every day that you hear of a Thai great like Saenchai calling out an American. Ross has proven his worth, and this fight needs to happen, preferably in the United States though.

2. More Miriam Nakamoto state side - The leading lady for Muay Thai in the United States has been beating people up all year, unfortunately for most fans, almost all of these butt kicking's have been over sees. Fans are missing out by not being allowed to see Nakamoto fight.

3. Full Rules everywhere - Some states are not allowed to throw elbows (We're looking at you New York), and its time this changes. It not Muay Thai unless you are allowed to use all 8 limbs.

4. Amateurs allowed to use elbows - Amateurs cant throw elbows, and we  understand looking out for their safety. What happens when an amateur turns pro and he isn't used to defending against elbows? That’s when real damage can happen. Pad up the elbows and let them throw the elbows, this way they are allowed to learn to defend and use them as part of their arsenal in real combat action.

5. An organiztion to lead Muay Thai to the promised land -
There are many Muay Thai organizations, but none in the United States have taken Muay Thai and tried to assert it as a mainstream sport. It is time someone does this, or we will continue to lose talented fighters to MMA. Muay Thai doesn't pay enough, and most fighters stick with Muay Thai because they love it, and not for the money, but its time they get the money they deserve for putting their bodies through the tortures of training and fighting. It is ridiculous that high talented fighters have to work day jobs, and then train for their fights. Fighting should be their job.
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