Saturday, November 5, 2011

Artem Levin talks about his upcoming fight with Roberto Cocco at the MPL's "Blood & Steel"

Artem Levin is considered one of the favorites to make it to the finals of the Muaythai Premier Leagues' (MPL) 182lb weight class. The Russian fighter will meet Italy's Roberto Cocco at the MPL's "Blood & Steel" event on November 6th in Holland. He recently took some time to answer a few questions for Muay Thai Authority about his upcoming fight with Cocco and being part of the MPL.

MTA: Artem, you are fighting Roberto Cocco in the Netherlands, how familiar are you with him as a fighter?

Artem: Yes, I’ve seen his fights. He used to be a pro boxer. He’s got good arm punches, which are a strong point of his.

MTA: Do you change you strategy for each opponent or is your game plan to come in and fight as you normally do and make them adjust to you?

Artem: I research every opponent, watch his weak and strong points, correct defense, seek keys and prepare surprises. I have to be a new fighter each time.

MTA: How do you think the fight with Roberto Cocco will turn out -- what will the result be?

Artem: This is Thai boxing. Everyone in the ring wants to win. Everyone has a weapon, everyone is a master of his fate. There is not a proper forecasting for a fight result.

MTA: You won your last MPL fight via (T)KO. In the league you get an extra point for finishing a fight. Does this encourage you to go in and try and finish the fight or is that simply your plan every time?

Artem: I’m not trying to knockout. I enjoy the fight. I love the fight game I play and I will continue to fight the way I relish it.

MTA: You are in group B, in group A is Simon Marcus. Many people are thinking you will both end up meeting in the finals of your weight class. Are you paying any attention to what is going on in group A?

Artem: Sure -- there are very good fighters in group A and there is a close friend of mine among them. I’d like to have a final bout versus Simon. It has to be an exciting fight for spectators and fans.

MTA: So far what do you think about the league format of the MPL? t something very different and unique.

Artem: In my opinion it is unique. There is not an Olympic system, the strongest fighters will come out in finals. The best of the best will become champion. The tournament has got a brilliant future.

MTA: To win the league you have to fight 5 fights in a compressed amount of time. How important is it when you go into the fight to avoid serious injuries at all cost? You could win, but something like a broken hand could then keep you out of finishing the league. Does this play into your strategy at all?

Artem: Assume it’s not the strategy. One has to win with whatever it takes.
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