Saturday, April 21, 2012

Matt Embree talks upcoming fight against Nils Widlund at Lion Fight Muay Thai VI

Matt Embree is currently training in Thailand for his upcoming fight against Nils Widlund at Lion Fight Muay Thai VI on May 12th in Las Vegas. Matt took some time from his training schedule to answer a few questions for you Muay Thai Authority about his upcoming fight and his training.

MTA: You are set to fight Nils Widlund at Lion Fight Muay Thai VI. How familiar are you with Nils?

Matt: I’m not too familiar with him. A friend of mine from Sweden was supposed to fight him before, and I’ve seen a few videos online but that’s it.

MTA: You were originally set to fight Kevin Ross, but an injury forced him out of the fight. That was a fight many fans wanted to see, were you disappointed when you heard Kevin had to withdraw from the fight because of the injury?

Yea man I was pretty disappointed to hear about the injury. Its unfortunate but I’m sure Kevin is going to heal up good and then we will end up fighting.

MTA: You are currently in Thailand, how has training been going over there?

Trainings going good, always a good energy when training in Thailand and you’re surrounded by top fighters so it helps me bring my game up.

MTA: Which camp are you currently training at in Thailand?

Matt: I’ve been training at Chuwattana.

MTA: Does training change at all when in Thailand as opposed to home in Toronto?

Matt: Yea it does differ a bit. I train twice a day in Canada also, but there are a few differences. In Thailand, the training is more focused, and I have a pad man holding twice a day, every day where as back home I dont always have that luxury. I also have to teach classes back home and dont always have as much time to train my self because I'm on the go. Another big part is that everyone I’m training with out here are fighters, some top fighters, so I’m never short of training partners and I get to train with a lot of people better than my self so my level goes up.

MTA: Do you think you get better prepared for a fight training in Thailand than you would at home in Toronto?

Matt: For the most part yes. I’m lucky to have an amazing Thai trainer at home though and he has a very serious work ethic, so I will always be prepared regardless of where I am. But like I said the training is more focused out here with little distractions and all the training partners so it does help.

MTA: What can you tell fans to expect in your fight with Nils?

Lots of knees lol.

MTA: Thanks for the time Matt, best of luck in the fight. Are there any words you would like to say to your supporters? Matt: Thanks a lot for all the support. I’m lucky to have a good group of people around me who are willing to help out when I need it. Big thanks to my Ajahn, Ajahn Suchart, his wife Yiola, all the people who help me train back home, Simon, Ugz, Miami, Kosta, and all the other fighters, Julie who always helps and gives me a well needed massage, Mom, Dad and the man Dem who are always with me through thick and thin.

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