Friday, February 8, 2013

Pictures: Eddie Walker's final training session before "Road to Glory" tournament

Scott Hirano (@ScottHirano) caught up with Eddie Walker (@EddieShowtime) to shoot his final workout in California before the "Road to Glory" tournament. Walker will look to win a Glory contract and $20,000 in the one night eight man tournament this Saturday at Hollywood Park Casino in Los Angeles, CA.

Make sure to like Scott Hirano's official facebook page to keep up with his great action photography. 
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1 comment:

  1. Hello, This is completely random but I just had to look up who Eddie Walker is becauseI was awoken in the middle of the night....I don't know why but all that was on my mind was...Eddie Walker 6 hours ago?
    I'm not even sure what that means, I don't know what time it was when I got on youtube to search Eddie Walker, I have no I sea who you are, obviously you are a boxer, but I thought I would reach out to you.
    I fell asleep watching a Francis Chan video on youtube, he was talking about God, how holy he is and how much he loves us. I know this is kinda weird, OK it is totally random, but I think He is calling you by name. Eddie Walker, did you hear God say something to you 6 hours ago? I think He wants to change your life.
    For what it is worth to you,
    Look up Francis Chan on you tube and watch a video. He is a really normal down to earth guy just talks about who God is and asks us to think about Him.
    I don't know why I am involved, I'm nobody. I am a middle aged woman living in Southern California minding my own business (well until now) I have never had anything like this happen and I have no idea who you are but something did happened 6 hours ago. (probably more because I'm thinking what the heck am I supposed to say to this guy and went back to sleep) If God woke me up to tell me some guy's name then I think it may be important.
    I don't even like boxing, my church The Rock in San Diego (Miles McPherson Pastor/ex football player), had a boxing event a week or more ago to raise money for our troops, I didn't go but this is the only other thing I can think to share with you.
    Both Miles and Francis ( I don't know that they even know each other ) have youtube videos and here is my church's web address [ ]in case you want to look into the boxing event maybe some of your friends participated. I know you'll think I'm bonkers but I just had to tell you.
    Have the best day ever. Laura
