Monday, March 11, 2013

Ognjen Topic talks upcoming fight with Paowarit Sasiprapa at Lion Fight 9

Ognjen Topic (@TopicCreative) will be fighting Paowarit Sasiprapa on March 15 in Las Vegas at Lion Fight 9. Paowarit, a Thai champion will be Topic’s toughest test to date. Muay Thai Authority was able to catch up with Ognjen to speak about the upcoming fight and fighting such an experienced champion like Paowarit.

MTA: Big fight at Lion Fight 9 against Paowarit Sasiprapa how is training going Ognjen?

Ognjen: Training is going well. Everything is moving according to schedule.

MTA: Fighting a champion from Thailand like Paowarit, does anything change in your training camp?

Ognjen: It's mainly all mental from here on. I am a skilled fighter that can compete with the elite, I'm just missing 10 years of experience. This is where I have to think about everything I do and that he can do to me. With the vast experience level Paowarit has everything comes naturally whereas I have to think more to achieve the same results.

MTA: Now this fight was originally going to take place on Friday Night Fights then it was scrapped after Paowarit got hurt. How was it thinking you were going to fight Paowarit, then that you weren't, and then that you were again just with a different venue change?

Ognjen: It doesn't change anything. I was ready to fight him then. This just gave me even more time to sharpen my skills.

MTA: You are clearly considered an under dog against Paowarit. What do you feel you can use as your advantage in this fight?

Ognjen: My mind. Anything I do to him he will be ready for and has seen before, this is why I have to think to extreme measures to find openings and take advantage.

MTA: How excited are you about your fight being on AXS TV?

Ognjen: I am very excited about the fight airing on AXS TV. It's great to see the sport of Muay Thai receiving it's recognition in the USA. The only way from here is up.

MTA: Last time you fought in Vegas you were on the bad side of a controversial decision. Is that something you are a little worried about happening again?

Ognjen: Not at all, I treat every fight as a new challenge and as a new job.

MTA: Any words for your supporters?

Ognjen: To all of my teammates - Thank you for helping me get ready for my fights over the years. Of course thank you my coaches, family and close friends or all of the support. You will not be disappointed.
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