Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wayne Barrett talks win over Joe Schilling at Glory 12

Wayne Barrett is coming fresh of a unanimous decision victory over Joe Schilling at Glory 12. It was a huge victory for Barrett, going into the fight he had only three professional fights compared to Schilling’s 20.

Barrett knocked Schilling down twice in the bout and survived a third round rally by Schilling which saw him knocked down by knee. We were able to catch up with Barrett and talk about his recent victory and his future plans.

MTA: Wayne huge win this weekend at Glory 12. How are you feeling after that victory?

Wayne: I feel ok really disappointed in my performance but thankful.

MTA: Going into the fight Joe Schilling had said something along the lines that you weren’t on his level. Having only had three pro fights going into the fight, what helps give you the confidence to go in and face a fighter with more than six times the amount of pro fights you have?

Wayne: What helps me is my belief in God, my team and my training.

MTA: What do you think was your advantage in the fight; do you think it was your boxing?

Wayne: My boxing was the advantage this fight for sure. Funny I wanted to kick more this fight but sometimes you have to take what you can.

MTA: It was an exciting fight and going into the third round it was clear you were in control with your two knockdowns. Were you fairly confident you were winning the fight come the third round?

Wayne: I knew I was up 2 rounds to none going into the 3rd. But Joe is a vet and knows how to make the fight ruff.

MTA: With you being up most likely on the score cards why risk the win by being as aggressive as you were?

Wayne: Glory and myself love knock outs and I wanted this fight really bad, I view it as the only way to win.

MTA: He caught you with that knee and you recovered well. Were you worried at all that it might have helped him even things out and maybe give him the win?

Wayne: The knee was a stupid mistake I made in the ring. I was dizzy lol so maybe a 4th round not because of him but I knew that when the fans like a fight and drama unfolds a 4th round is given for ratings.

MTA: You looked bigger, more muscular this fight, did you bulk up for this fight?

Wayne: I was actually smaller lol. I was the lightest I ever been for a match. I think that's what made the fight harder than it had to be but this camp was full of adversity.

MTA: So what is next for you Wayne are you looking for a little break or do you want to get right back in the ring?

Wayne: It’s up too Glory I want to build a name in the sport one fight at a time. I will run it by my coaches and we work together to say what's best.

MTA: If you could choose your next opponent who would it be and why?

Wayne: I don't call people out but I won't turn down a fight as long as I am healthy.

MTA: It has been a hell of a year for you, what is your best memory so far?

Wayne: The Mike Lemaire fight has to be the best memory for me still.

MTA: Any words for your supporters and fans?

Wayne: Everyone says follow your dream, but I want the fans to know that your real dream makes you happy when you think about it. Separate yourself from negative people and create your own world that you control.
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