Friday, November 19, 2010

Kevin Ross talks upcoming fight with Malaipet

For anyone who has been living under a rock, the most anticipated Muay Thai fight in America will be taking place at Stand-Up Promotions King's Birthday Celebration. On December 5th at Commerce Casino in Los Angeles, CA Kevin Ross and Malaipet will meet in the middle of a ring and likely put on what will become an epic battle. had the opportunity to catch up with Kevin Ross and discuss his upcoming fight with Malaipet.

MTA: You have what is going to be the biggest Muay Thai fight in the U.S. coming up on December 5th. You are going to be fighting Malaipet. How has your training for the fight been going?

Kevin: Training’s been going great, rough as always but great. Ever since I started I have trained for every fight as if it was for the world title. To me the most important fight is the next one you have coming up, so no matter who it is I train as if they are the best fighter on the planet. I give 100% every time that way win, loose or draw I know I gave it my all and won’t have any regrets.

MTA: Malaipet will be dropping down in weight to fight you, do you think his size might pose a problem for you, and how are you preparing to counter any possible size advantage he may bring to the fight?

Kevin: Yes he’s coming down and I’m going up, my normal fight weight is 140 and this one will be at 147. I have fought much bigger opponents in the past, the only time it has ever really affected me is when it was short notice and I did not have time to prepare physically for the size advantage. I have had a good 7 week camp for this fight, which is pretty rare for me, so I have been able to put some good weight on and don’t see his size being that big of a factor. Obviously he is used to fighting much larger opponents than me so that is something that I have to keep in mind but I don’t see having too much trouble with the weight difference.

MTA: Malaipet is a staple  in Muay Thai, and you have made a name for yourself as an American being able to compete at a high level. Is there anything you see Malaipet bringing to this fight that you feel can give you trouble in the fight?

Kevin: Well obviously he has a lot more experienced than me as well as the weight factor, but like I said, this isn’t my first time going up against someone that on paper I shouldn’t be in there with. I take every opponent very seriously and regardless of their past performances I expect the best version of my opponent to be in front of me on the night of the fight. I’ll be ready for whatever he brings to the table.

MTA: I know you don't really give predictions but this being the biggest  Muay Thai fight here in the states this year, can I get one out of you?

Kevin: Yea, I prefer to do my talking in the ring but I will tell you this, win, loose or draw this will be one of the best and most exciting Muay Thai fights ever on American soil, you don’t wanna miss this!

MTA: The fight is going to be in Los Angeles, CA. Malaipet will likely have the crowd behind him since its in his neck of the woods, do you feel the crowd provides some kind of advantage in fights?

Kevin: It can be an advantage but I don’t mind having a crowd against me. I’ve fought all over the world and know what it’s like to be on both sides. It’s all energy to me, whether it’s positive or negative, I feed off of it so it doesn’t really matter. That being said I think it will be a pretty mixed crowd, we will both have our share of fans there. Either way the fans are the one’s who are going to be the real winners in this as they are going to get to see a war.

MTA: Win or lose, what's next for you after this fight with Malaipet? I know you have mentioned going after Pinca's belt, Sanchaei has called you out. I know you are really trying to stay active, but its difficult to get Muay Thai fights here in the states.

Kevin: I think I have a fight coming up in Vegas February 12th and then after that I may head back to Thailand unless something else comes up first. I definitely hope to get a fight with Pinca within the next year as well as one with Liam Harrison. I have a ton of respect for them both and for what they have accomplished. I  would love to test myself against them, regardless of who holds the world title. I would also really love a chance to fight in the new 63 kg K1.

MTA: In an interview we did with Malaipet he is quoted as saying "Holland fighter, Thai fighter I train hard. American fighter, need to train but not like fight for Europe or Thai. " Do you have any response to that?

Kevin: Hahaha, I hope he trains for me just as hard as I’m training for him, I want the best Malaipet that he has to offer. I don’t want to beat him and then have him say it’s only because he didn’t train hard for me or take me seriously. Regardless of what he says I expect the best he’s got to offer. I can’t see the logic in  training for certain fights harder than others. The last thing you want is to slack on the training because you think someone is weak and then have that person knock you out. But maybe that’s just me.

Kevin Ross is a dangerous man and should never be under estimated, the fans seem to consider him the favorite as a poll on has 59% of the fans favoring Ross to win the fight. As Kevin said, he likes to do his talking in the ring, and in our interview with Malaipet he said "I talk Muay Thai." It sounds like it's going to be pretty good conversation when they meet on December 5th.
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