Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Turan Hasanov talks about his upcoming fight with Eddie Martinez

Turan Hasanov will be fighting Eddie Martinez for a third time at Take-On Productions "Battle at the Beacon" on July 8th. The pair previously met as amateurs and split a pair of fights, now the rubber match takes place on the professional stage. Muay Thai Authority was able to catch up with Turan about the upcoming fight.

MTA: You are fighting Eddie Martinez at Take-On Productions July 8th event, how is the training going?

Turan: Training is going good working on my power and cardio a lot.

MTA: You are very familiar with Eddie as you both have split a pair of fights as amateurs, do you think it is easier preparing for this fight since you have fought before or is it more difficult?

Turan: I think its going to be more easier cause I know whats coming ,but you never know what can happen in a fight but I'm confident in my ability's to more than just win.

MTA: How do you prepare for this fight to be able to show him something different and not walk into the fight the same Turan that you were the two previous fights with him?

Turan: I'm going to work out on my boxing more and get my hands back to were they were before with KO punches in both hands ,and I'm going to work on my low kicks to follow up on my hands.

I heard there was some bad blood between the two of you, is that true and if so how did it start?

Turan: Idk (I don't know) about bad blood I just don't believe in coming to a fight and hugging it out for 5 rounds and getting the win is a fight. A fight should be with two guys in the middle of the ring taking blow for blow to see who can survive.

MTA: Where do you feel your strengths will be in the fight with Eddie?

Turan: With my boxing and my push kicks.

MTA: As far as Eddie goes where do you feel he might have an advantage in the fight?

Turan: I really don't see him having any advantages.

MTA: Can you give us a prediction for the fight?

Turan: Idk (I don't know) but I can say this I'm coming for WAR and after this fight hopefully I can get a shot at the big boys out on the west coast

MTA: If you could fight anyone from out west who would it be?

Turan: Doesn't not matter. I'll fight anybody- anywhere- anytime.
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