Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Philippe Allaire Landerville talks about his upcoming fight with Rami Ibrahim

Philippe Allaire Landerville will be fighting Rami Ibrahim for the WKA 132 lb title on September 9th at Take-On Productions "September Showdown". Muay Thai Authority was able to catch up with Philippe and chat about his upcoming fight.

MTA: You are fighting Rami Ibrahim for his WKA title in September how has your training for the fight been going?

Philippe: Training has been going fine running, lots of pads, clinch and sparring as usual. I'm always in the gym so now its just a question of pushing more till the fight.

MTA: How much do you know of Rami Ibrahim and is there anything you feel brings to the fight that can present problems for you?

Philippe: I know he's been very active here. He is the wka champ so obviously he must be good. I know he has a some video’s on youtube but I haven't really watched them I'd rather concentrate on myself and what ill be doing. I don't like planning to much because anyways it never goes as planned. My trainer and training partners watched them so they give me a bit of advice on what to expect. I know he is bigger then me so that will make me approach the fight a certain way but that's about it.

MTA: What advantages do you feel you will have in the fight against Rami?

Philippe: I don't about advantages maybe my experience in Thailand where I've been mostly fighting.

MTA: Being for the WKA title, does it add any pressure as opposed to if it was a non title fight?

Philippe: No not really I put enough pressure on myself for simply winning, it might be more of an incentive.

MTA: Can you give us a prediction for the fight?

Philippe: I can only predict that ill be there in shape and ready to give a good, hard and active fight that will please the fans.

MTA: Beyond this fight what are your current plans for your Muay Thai career?

Philippe: Go back as soon as I can to Thailand to go train and fight there.

MTA: Is there anyone in particular you would like to fight?

Philippe: No not really, just the best there is.
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