Friday, December 2, 2011

Justin Greskiewicz out of fight with Gabriel Varga at the Warriors Cup XIII

Muay Thai Authority was informed this morning that The Warriors Cup XIII has lost its main event fight between Justin Greskiewicz and Gabe Varga. Greskiewicz was involved in a motorcycle accident a few weeks back, a knee injury from the accident was made worse by a staph infection.

With less than 48 hours before the event takes place Muay Thai Authority was informed that it is highly unlikely a replacement will be found. The fight between Greskiewicz and Varga would have been a re-match from a few years back, a bout which Varga won.

The loss of Greskiewicz vs. Varga leaves two pro fights for the event. Ognjen Topic will face. Anthony Demaio and James Smith will take on Ryan Murray. The two remaining professional bouts will be sanctioned by WBC Muay Thai. Below is the entire fight card scheduled for the event on December 3rd.

Fight Card:
Ognjen Topic vs. Anthony Demaio
James Smith vs. Ryan Murray

Omar Estevez vs. Chris Mauceri
Scott Krampetz vs Roosevelt Velez
Junaid Hamid vs. Jaffer Panazai
Sean Surdan vs. Arad Namin
Lynette Pope vs. Giovanna Scano
Christina Peteraf vs. Lauras Hyacynthe
Sean Woodham vs. Chris Roeck
Jenna Serio vs. Prairie Rugilo
Dan Champa vs. Joe Bastone
Emilio Gonzalez vs. Brandon Cuttino
Steve Di Sebastian vs. Luis Goritta
Carlos Madriaga vs. Spencer Gregoski
Jovan Davis vs. Amr Ibrahim
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