Saturday, November 3, 2012

Journey Fight Series VIII Live Play by Play and Results

Journey Fight Series VIII is taking place tonight and will feature the semi-final bouts of their 160lb tournament. For those that can't watch the stream on you can keep up with all the action here.

The night's main event will feature a bout between Nate Smandych and Matt Embree. Smandych was originally set to fight Sean Kearney, but an injury forced him out of the fight and Embree stepped in on one weeks notice.

The tournament semi-final bouts will feature Sean McKinnon vs. Preston Baptiste and Shane Campbell vs. Troy Sheridan

Stay tuned  here for live updates of the event's pro fights.

Opening Pro Bout:
Matt Embree vs. Nate Smandych

Rd. 1
Push kick by Embree to start. Leg kick by Embree. Another leg kick by Embree. Smandych taking the center of the ring but not really landing anything. Both fighters looking to feel each other out. Inside leg kick by Smandych. Embree with a teep. Hook by Smandych. Leg kick by Embree and a cross by Smandych. Flying knee by Embree blocked by Smandych. Right by Smandych lands and Embree clinches but nothing happens in the clinch. 10-9 round for Embree.

Rd. 2
Smandych with a right hand. Body kick by Embree. Smandych checks a leg kick. Embree attacking the lead leg of Smandych. Leg kick by Smandych. Left hook by Smandych. Leg kick by Embree. Right by Embree followed by a leg kick. Clinch and Embree lands some knees to the body. Body kick by Embree. Leg kick by Embree connects followed by another. Embree really looking to work those leg kicks. 10-9 round for Embree.


Rd. 3
Smandych starts with a teep. Smandych lands a few punches and they clinch. Embree with round knees from the clinch. Low kicks by Embree. Both fighters land some punches. Clinch and some knees to the body are exchanged. Pace is starting to pick up know. Nice short elbow from Smandych in clinch and Embree working knees to the body. Right hand followed by a left elbow land for Embree. Clinch but not much happening. Push kick by Embree. Clinch and knees to the body from Embree. 10-9 round for Embree.

Rd. 4
Right hand by Embree, and then he catches a Smandych kick and sweeps him. Clinch and Smandych knees Embree’s legs. Embree letting his hands go, but good defense by Smandych. Leg kick by Embree, but Smandych connects with a cross. Teep by Embree and then they clinch as Smandych moves in with punches. Smandych is bleeding from the left side of his face. Clinch and Embree tosses Smandych down. The doctor is going to check the cut and the fight continues. It is a deep cut though. Left hook from Embree. They both land punches. Jab by Embree lands. Smandych pressing forward and lands a right hook. 10-9 round for Embree.

Rd. 5
Jab by Embree. Smandych moving forward knowing he is behind. Teep by Embree to the face of Smandych. Body kick by Smandych then Embree with a low kick. Right hand by Embree. Left hook by Embree. Right hook by Smandych. Clinch and knees to the body by Embree. Push Kick by Embree. Smandych ties for a and elbow but it looks like this one is out of reach. 10-9 Embree.

Results: Matt Embree def. Nate Smandych via Unanimous Decision

Tournament Semi-Final Bout:
Shane Campbell vs. Troy Sheridan

Rd. 1

Sheridan comes out aggressive. Campbell connects with a punch and Sheridan is caught of balance. They clinch but not much action. Leg kicks by Campbell. Sheridan looking for the clinch. They exchange knees. Uppercut by Sheridan and the clinch. Sweep by Shane Campbell. Body shot by Campbell. Sheridan gets tossed by Campbell again. Leg kick by Sheridan. Hook followed by a body kick from Campbell. Uppercut sneaks in by Campbell. Hook and body kick by Sheridan. Elbow by Cambpell. Left by Sheridan and uppercut by Campbell. 10-9 round for

Rd. 2
Campbell has a small cut above his eyebrow. Teep by Campbell. Leg kick by Campbell. Clinch and knees from Campbell. Right hand by Campbell and a leg kick follows. Campbell is pairing up his punches and leg kicks well. Left hook by Sheridan and then a hook to the body by Campbell. Leg kick by Campbell. Left hook by Sheridan. Jab by Sheridan and then they clinch and knees to the body from Sheridan. Leg sweep by Campbell. Leg kick by Campbell. Sheridan pressing forward and Campbell counter fighting well. Leg kicks from both fighters. Sheridan with a left hook then Campbell with two teeps. 10-9 Campbell.

Rd. 3
Campbell comes out pressing the action and Sheridan meets him in the middle. Leg kick by Sheridan and then a leg kick by Campbell. Sheridan stalking and lets his hands go. They clinch and a few knees from Sheridan. Campbell attempts a spinning heel kick but Sheridan blocks. Leg kick from Campbell. Left hook from Sheridan. Clinch but not much action. Sheridan starting to let his hands go and then Campbell works the body with punches and follows with a leg kick. Left hook followed by leg kick for Sheridan. Campbell attacking the front leg and they clinch and round ends. Close round.
10-9 Campbell.

Rd. 4

Sheridan with a punch combo and then Campbell answers with a teep to the face. Sheridan with a leg kick. Body kick by Sheridan. Uppercut by Campbell. Leg kick by Sheridan. Body shot by Campbell then a knee to Sheridan’s body. Nice hand combo by Sheridan. They clinch and short knees from Campbell. Campbell pushes Sheridan down after landing a knee. Campbell starting to connect with strong shots and Sheridan seems to be slowing down. 10-9 round for Campbell.

Rd. 5
Sheridan needs to finish the fight in this round if he wants to win. Campbell comes out firing punches and leg kicks. Elbow by Sheridan. Right and then left hook for Sheridan. Double body kick by Campbell. Sheridan looking tired and has slowed down this round. Knee to the face by Campbell from the clinch. Final minute and Sheridan needs to land something that ends the fight or this fight is Campbell’s. Campbell with a knee from the clinch. Left hook by Sheridan and then teep followed by a leg kick for Campbell. 10-9 round for Campbell.

Result: Shane Campbell def. Troy Sheridan via Unanimous Decision

Tournament Semi-Final Bout
Sean McKinnon vs. Preston Baptiste

Rd. 1
Both fighters feeling each other out early. No one committing to anything. Low kick by Baptiste. They both exchange kicks. Body kick by Baptiste. Low kick by McKinnon. Low kick by Baptiste. Jab by McKinnon and then leg kick and body kick by McKinnon. Close round, but 10-9 to McKinnon.

Rd. 2
McKinnon pressing the action and a leg kick by Baptiste. High kick blocked by Baptiste. A lot of defense by both fighters. Left cross land for Baptiste. Leg sweep by Baptiste. Super man punch by McKinnon lands. Clinch and both exchange knees to the body. High kick by McKinnon and Baptiste slips. Baptiste throws a kick and McKinnon catches it and sweeps him. 10-9 round for McKinnon.

Rd. 3
Leg kicks back to back land for McKinnon. Jab by McKinnon. Right hand by McKinnon followed by a low kick. Elbow by McKinnon. Baptiste checks a leg kick then push kick to the body sends Baptiste to the canvas. Baptiste moving a lot but not throwing many strikes. Right hand from Baptiste. Right hand by Baptiste again and then a leg kick. Left hook by McKinnon. Body kick by McKinnon and round ends. 10-9 McKinnon.

Rd. 4
Two teeps by McKinnon. Leg kick by McKinnon. Baptiste pressing forward and McKinnon with a right hook. Left hook by Baptiste and they clinch and McKinnon works some knees. Jab by McKinnon. Jab by McKinnon. Baptiste with a right hand. Clinch and Baptiste working knees. Push kick by McKinnon. Low kick by Baptiste and then low kick by McKinnon. Low kick by McKinnon. Jab by McKinnon. Baptiste pressing forward but not firing anything. Kick caught by McKinnon and he sweeps Baptiste. 10-9 round for McKinnon.

Rd. 5
Baptiste with
 a leg kick. Baptiste pressing and they clinch and Baptiste with a powerful dump. Right hand by Baptiste and then a right hand by McKinnon. Clinch and not much happens. Low kick by McKinnon and then a head kick by McKinnon lands and Baptiste looks hurt. Right hand by McKinnon and he is trying to finish and another right lands followed by another and Baptiste takes a knee. Baptiste gets an eight count. Jumping elbow by McKinnon and then Baptiste just misses with a spinning elbow. Clinch and they break immediately. Right hand by McKinnon and then a left hand. McKinnon putting on the pressure and the round ends. 10-8 McKinnon.

Result: Sean McKinnon def. Preston Baptiste via Unanimous Decision
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