Monday, August 11, 2014

KO of the Week: Liam Harrison vs. Justin Greskiewicz

Liam Harrison made his American debut back in 2011 when he took on Justin Greskiewicz at The Warriors Cup XII. Harrison was the favorite going in the fight and when it was over it was clear why. Greskiewicz held his own with Harrison in the first round and was doing good in the second round, although most likely the judges at that point were scoring the bout for Harrison. 

Early in the bout Greskiewicz connected with a quick jumping knee to the midsection of Harrison. As the second round was coming to an end Greskiewicz attempted the knee again, but being the savvy veteran that Harrison is he countered with a perfectly timed left hand that caught Greskiewicz in mid air and sent him crashing to the canvas. It was a worthy effort for Greskiewicz, but Harrison had to much fire power in the end.

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