Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kevin Ross talks about the historic year that 2011 has been for Muay Thai in America and his plans for 2012

Kevin Ross was a major part of the big year that was 2011 for Muay Thai. He fought two of the world’s best fighters and helped continue to push Muay Thai in America. We took some times to catch up with Kevin about the year that was 2011 as well as what he has planned for 2012. 

Kevin gives his thoughts on Saenchai and Sakkedao as well as addresses the recent news that full rules Muay Thai will now be allowed in New York. He also talks about potentially fighting Omar Ahmed who has recently expressed interest in fighting Kevin, as well as possibly heading back to Thailand.

MTA: Kevin this was a big year for Muay Thai in America, looking back at the year what are your thoughts?

Kevin: All in all I am extremely happy with the progress America has made as a whole in moving Muay Thai forward. There have been a good amount of quality shows here and they keep getting better. Some top fighters from the U.S. have competed with some of the best in the world and have shown that we can hang with them and deserve to be here. It’s only going to get bigger and better from here.

MTA: You fought two of the best fighters in the world in Saenchai and Sakkedao; they themselves have fought 5 times with Sakkedao winning 3, including the last two. Who do you think is better?

Kevin: They are two completely different fighters so it is hard to say which one is better. Saenchai has proven year after year why he is one of the greatest of all time but Sakkedao keeps getting better every time and really showed it in his last performance against Saenchai. Saenchai’s a ninja but Sakkedao is just a hard ass straight forward fighter who sticks to the basics and wears people down, nothing fancy. I love watching both those guys and am honored to have shared the ring with them. I hope to one day rematch them, maybe not back to back this time hahahaha.

MTA: Do you currently have anything planned for 2012?

As of right now nothing is set but I would love to get a fight on the next Friday Night Fights card in New York especially seeing how it is the first ever one with full rules, which is huge. I know that Omar Ahmed has expressed interest in fighting me recently and in the past; I think this would be a perfect opportunity for this fight to happen. I’ve been wanting to go back and fight on the east coast for a long time now, it just hasn’t worked out. I know that Take On has a show coming up as well, but seeing how Omar has close ties with them (Take On) I think that this show (Friday Night Fights Muay Thai) would be more of neutral ground. 

Other than that Lion Fight is doing a show February 25 at the Hard Rock in Vegas that I would love to be on. If I could get on both of those that would be ideal, but if not I will either be heading back to Thailand or possibly going to Australia, where I have been wanting to fight forever. No matter what happens I just hope I can stay very active in 2012 and just get bigger and better fights every time and continue to help push the standards here in America. I would also really love to get an opportunity to fight in Japan. As always I’m going in there every time to put on exciting fights and give it everything that I have, win lose or draw.

When someone says they feel they need to fight you how do take that?

Kevin: I always have mixed feeling about it, when someone says they respect me and just want to fight me to test themselves then I take it as a compliment but at the same time I've had people say they want to fight me and run their mouths yet when the opportunity presents itself they find every excuse in the book not to do it. If you're gonna open your mouth you had better be able to back it up.

MTA: You are recognized as the "poster boy" for American Muay Thai and Omar is pretty recognized in New York. How familiar are you with Omar?

Kevin: Not really familiar with him at all up until I seen his interview, he mentioned that he's beaten the same people as me although I saw his fight with Justin which he clearly lost and he beat Terrance, but we fought way back when I was an amateur like 7 years ago. Maybe he was referring to DeLuca, don't really matter seen a few of his fights, he's got a flashy kicking style like Taekwondo or kickboxing, not real traditional.

MTA: So if Omar were to accept to fight you on the first full rules Muay Thai event on January 20th then you would do it without hesitation?

Kevin: Yea I'll fight anyone I don't care, but I'm more then happy to give people what they ask for.

MTA: Now you said you don't want to fight Omar on Take-On because of his close affiliation with them. As a fighter do you think that can affect things or does it make you uneasy going into the fight?

Kevin: You always gotta worry about getting unfair decisions in someone else’s home town (country), that's just part of the game, but already having it be his home town I think adding the fact that one of Take On guys is related to him is just too much to ignore. Not to say that they would judge unfairly, but I think fighting on neutral ground leaves a lot less room for arguments.

So with full rules now in New York it definitely makes it more appealing for you to go and fight over there?

Kevin: Yea, I mean I'm always willing to fight any rules, I know not all fighters will, but I will always prefer full MT no matter what

MTA: Thanks Kevin. We hope to see you back in action sooner than later.

Kevin: Yea man!
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  1. ummm Take On is a promotion company not a sanctioning body, it is the WKA that judges for both FNF and Take On. I am not saying that the WKA as a predominantly east coast sanctioning body might not have a bias but that would more than likely happen in the west also. just sayin'

  2. Kevin is a world class fighter and a class act with tons of heart.

    Thanks for the great interview, I look forward to seeing Kevin fight soon!

  3. cb9dbc56-100e-11e1-8afe-000f20980440 ...what you said makes sense but it doesn't negate the fact that Take On has been known to make questionable match ups and making questionable decisions at the advantage of their fighters. So yes, this things probably do happen in the west coast as well, but that doesn't mean that Kevin should just jump head first into the wolf's mouth.
