Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chaz Mulkey talks upcoming fight with Joe Schilling

There is lots of talk about the upcoming Malaipet vs. Kevin Ross fight on Dec. 5th, but the other pro fight on the card is set to be just as exciting. Chaz Mulkey and Joe Schilling are going meet in what is expected to be an all out war. Both fighters are aggressive and like to attack, so is should be the Muay Thai version of rock em sock em robots, but with technique. Chaz Mulkey answered some question for about the upcoming fight with Joe.

MTA: How has your training been going for your upcoming fight with Joe Schilling? Are you still training with One Kick Nick and Lookchang?

Chaz: Training has been the best I've had in over a year...wasn't able to train with Nick and Lookchang for this fight my new work schedule conflicts with the training schedule at one kicks...instead I went and found my old trainer Master Nope and he has been getting me ready for this fight.  He trained me for a couple years when I was at Toddy's till he left to do his own thing.  He was the one that really took my game to the next level when I was coming up.  Still would like to train with Nick and Lookchang too, but I'm very happy to be back with Master Nope he has gotten me back to my old ways when I was running through people a couple years ago.

MTA: Did you happen to catch Joe's last fight with Ryan Roy? He was really aggressive from the start especially with his elbows. Do you expect him to use similar tactics when he fights you?

Chaz: Didn't get to see it but I've seen Joe fight before, he's a savage and will be a very difficult opponent.  I'm sure he will fight me the same way (lots of pressure and very aggressive) as I plan on going at him the exact same way so it should make a good war!  

MTA: Where do you see yourself winning this fight? The clinch, your cardio, etc?

Chaz: Last fight my cardio sucked but I focused on it a lot more this fight so I should have that on my far as where I think I will win this fight I cant and Joe have very similar styles so its hard to say who's better where, I think its gonna come down to who's got the bigger heart that night.

MTA: The fight is taking place in Los Angeles which is Joe's backyard, do you the crowd giving Joe any type advantage or does it not matter?

Chaz: Don't care much about fighting in someone's backyard it doesn't help or hurt me...Kevin Ross said it best in that its all energy weather it be good or bad you still feed off it.

MTA: Your coming off a loss to Remy Bonnel back in August, a lot of people were expecting Bonnel who is a French K-1 veteran to win, but in the end you took him to a decision, and in my opinion it was a lot closer than the unanimous decision the judges awarded him. Do you feel you should have gotten the nod that fight? You showed a great work in the clinch.

Chaz: Remy hands down won the fight that night and I new he was winning during the fight...I believe I was trickier in the clinch and with my sweeps, but he really took me out of my game with his reach, I just couldn't get a rhythm to get anything going against him.  My hats off to him he was the better fighter and I think he won every round, but I'm not upset about it. You can't be better than everyone all the time and he was a good respectful opponent to lose to.  If you win all your fights you're fighting the  wrong people, I want to fight people that the fight could go either way with.

MTA: What are your fight plans after this fight? Do you have anything already lined up?

Chaz: Just Signed the contract for my next fight Feb 12th here in Vegas against the guy I beat my first pro fight (Douglas Edwards).  Our first fight he didn't answer the second bell so I know he's got something to prove this time and I expect to see a totally different better fighter and I welcome it because I'm ready and think I will win regardless.

As always, Chaz seems ready to put on and exciting fight. Make sure to check out the Stand-Up Promotions event on Dec. 5th at Commerce Casino in Los Angeles, CA, because this fight is front runner to be the most explosive one of the night.
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