Monday, October 8, 2012

Ognjen Topic talks about win over Rami Irbahim at The Warriors Cup XV

Ognjen Topic (@TopicCreative) recently defeated Rami Ibrahim (@Rami_Ibrahim) to capture the Super Featherweight US WBC National Title. Topic won the fight via (T)KO with a knee to the head of Ibrahim. Topic took time to answer a few questions about his big win.

MTA: Big win for you on the 29th of September against Rami Ibrahim, how do you feel after taking home the Super Featherweight US WBC National Title?

Ognjen: One of the most memorable moments in my life. Two titles (first being the WKA USA title) in one year was a great accomplishment for me and my gym.

MTA: Did that fight go exactly as you thought it would?

Ognjen: Yes it did. My trainers Kru Joe and Kru Ray really amaze me at how they figure out opponents. I'm always well prepared for every fight. They tell me to do something, I do it (or try to the best of my ability) and it works.

MTA: You won via (T)KO when, it looked as if you fainted a punch and he ducked and you delivered a fight ending knee. Can you go through that final sequence and explain to us how it played out? You seemed to get really aggressive in the third round.

Ognjen: I was extremely confident going into this fight, the first round I took the chance to get used to his rhythm and see what he had to offer. Second round and on I knew I had him–I knew I was going to win the fight at least unanimously at that point. In the third round I came out more aggressive because I wanted to win a decisive fight. The KO happened because I brought up my right leg up as a fake, then I threw a teep and finally stepped in and came in to end it with the knee.

MTA: After the second round it seemed there was a little altercation in your corner. What exactly happened?

Ognjen: At the end of the second round we ended up in my corner. The bell rang and he stood up pressing his body against me, I didn't like that so I pushed him back.

MTA: Did that get you anymore amped up for the third round than what you already were?

Ognjen: Not at all, I am extremely even-tempered and even if the opponent gets me mad he will never know. Staying even-tempered when you're mad is the best way to regain control of the situation.

MTA: When can fans expect to see you in the ring again?

Ognjen: As of now I will be taking off for the rest of the year. The fans can expect another fight from me in the early part of Next year.

MTA: Anyone that you have your sights set on now that you have that belt?

Ognjen: I don't know too many fighters in America, only because I don't follow them. I said it before, I am interested in fighting Thais because they will be the ones to bring my fight game on to another level. The Thais are the best fighters in my opinion and I am only interested in fighting the best.

I'd like to thank all of my NJMT family for the support, my family and the rest of the fans out there. Follow me on instagram and twitter for updates @TopicCreative.
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