Saturday, November 26, 2011

Live Play by Play and Results for WKN Big 8 Tournament

The WKN Big 8 Tournament will take place today in Minsk, Belarus. For those that can't make it to Belarus for the event, there are a few options. You can watch the live on-line PPV stream by following this link to, it cost $14.99. If you can't watch the on-line PPV stream then you as always can follow the the live play by play coverage provided by Muay Thai Authority as we report live from the event.

To follow our live play by play updates there are three options. You can like stay right here on this page as we update throughout the night, you can like our official facebook page or follow us on twitter @MuayThaiAuth.

The WKN Big 8 Tournament will feature fighters such as Andrei Kulebin and Samkor. Representing North America will be New York's Chris Kwiatkowski. The one night tournament will be a test of not only skill, but perseverance.

Live Play by Play:

Tournament Quarter Finals - Bout 1
Chris Kwiatkowski (North America) vs. Ibrahim Konate (Africa) 

Round 1 
Konate is clearly taller, but Kwiatkowski out of the gate working kicks and punches. Konate clinches, but the ref brakes them up. Kwiatkowski looking to work the body. Some nice hands being displayed but Katkowksi. Leg kicks by Konate. Kwiatkowski with some nice combos. Some pretty good exchanges between the two. Konate is starting to find his range with his punches. Konate using his jab now to keep Kwiatkowski at bay. Very close first round.

Round 2
Konate looking to work the jab again. Leg kicks by Konate are starting to connect. Konate really starting to find his rhythm. Kwiatkowski backing up as Konate moves forward. They clinch, but not much action. Konate's size looks to be making a difference. Nice dump by Kwiatkowski. Body kick by Kwiatkowski answered by a jab from Konate. Clinch and some elbows by Kwiatkowski. Konate on the attack, but Kwiatkowski avoids. Round ends.

Round 3
Kick by Konate answered by kick from Kwiatkowski. Clinch and knees to the body from Kwiatkowski. Kwiatkowski looks stronger in the clinch. It seems Konate is resorting to simply falling down when they clinch so that he can avoid it. Clinch and knees to the body from Kwiatkowski. Konate trying to let his hands go , but Kwiatkowski clinches and throws some elbows and knees. Cut on the left side of Kiwatkowski's left eye. It is inspected by the doctor. The action resumes and Kwiatkowski goes tot he clinch immediately and the round ends.

Result: Ibrahim Konate def. Chris Kwiatkowski by decision

Tournament Quarter Finals - Bout 2
Andrei Kulebin (Belarus) vs. Loris Audoui (South America)

Round 1
Adoui head kick and leg kick to start it off. Kulebin stalking and then attacks to the body with a hook. They clinch and knees to the body from Kulebin. Big knees from Kulebin in the clinch. Audoui looks over matched when they clinch. Nice hook, head kick combo by Kulebin. More knees to the body in the clinch from Kulebin. Leg kick by Audoui. Round ends.

Round 2
Kulebin pressing forward with a few push kicks. Nice punch/kick combo by Adoui. Adoui is looking to try and attack more. Kulebin clinches and knees to the body. Push kick to the body of Adoui sends him down and he gets and eight count. Kulebin with a left hook to the body followed by a knee and Adoui is down again and gets another eight count. Kulebin smells the blood and goes on the attack. Knee to the body followed by a knee to the head and Adoui is down and his corner throws in the towel.

Result: Andrei Kulebin def. Loris Adoui via (T)KO (Corner Stoppage) Rd. 2

Tournament Quarter Finals - Bout 3
Ruslan Kushnirenko (Europe) vs. Samkor (Thailand) 

Round 1
Kushnirenko with a clear size advantage over Samkor. They exchange kicks. Leg kick followed by a left hook from Samkor. Left straight by Kushnirenko. They clinch but not much action. Some nice hand combinations from Kushnirenko. They exchange body kicks. Nice 1-2 by Kushnirenko. Kick by Samkor and the round ends.

Round 2
They exchange body kicks. Kushnirenko is looking pretty solid. Samkor with another body kick. A nice punch combo by Kushnirenko ends with a leg kick. Kick by Samkor is caught by Kushnirenko who then goes on the offensive with kicks and punches. Kushnirenko seems to have an answer every time Samkor tries to get aggressive. They exchange kicks. head kick by Samkor. They clinch and start to throw knees as the round ends.

Round 3
Samkor comes out looking to push the pace. Body kicks by Samkor. Kushnirenko catches a kick and answers with a few leg kicks. Nice elbow by Kushnirenko. Samkor tosses Kushnirekno to the mat. Samkor with another toss. They clinch and exchange knees to the body. Knees by Samkor in the clinch then he tosses Kushnirenko again. They clinch and exchange small knees. Round ends.

Result: Ruslan Kushirenko def. Samkor via decision

Tournament Quarter Finals - Bout 4  
Taylor Harvey (Australia) vs. Erkan Varol (Turkey)

Round 1
Varol with a spinning back kick. Some Flashy kicks by Varol early on. Knee to the body by Harvey. Both fighters are exchanging wildly. They clinch and exchange knees in the clinch. Both fighters with wild flurries. Spinning elbow by Harvey. Spinning elbow by Varol. Knee tot he face by Harvey. Spinning kick by Varol blocked by Harvey. Varol gets dumped by Harvey as he attempts a spinning kick. Round over. 

Round 2
Harvey on the aggressive to start the round with hand combinations followed by kicks. Harvey with some good combos which he follows up with knees. Varol with a leg kick. They clinch but nothing happens. Body shot by Varol. Varol with a few solid punches. Harvey with an elbow. They clinch and knees by Harvey followed by an elbow. Leg kick by Varol. Harvey pushes forward with strikes and clinches. Lands and uppercut as the bell rings.

Round 3
Leg kicks by Harvey. Varol looking to work his hands. Flying knee by Harvey misses. Both are exchanging punches. Harvey lands three body kicks in a row. Varol attacks the body with punches. Harvey really letting the kicks fly this round. Varol with a few kicks of his won. Round ends with the fighters exchanging kicks.

Result: Taylor Harvey def. Erkan Varol via decision

WKN World Title
Ekaterina Vandarieva (Belarus) vs. Johanna Jerdzechick (Poland)

Round 1 
Vandarieva with a kick off the cuff. They clinch immediately. Kick by Jerdzechick. Knees by Vandarieva in the clinch. They are broken up and clinch again. Knees by Jerdzechick in the clinch. Knees in the clinch from Vandarieva. They are broken up and exchange some punches before heading back into the clinch where they exchange knees as the round ends.

Round 2
They clinch and Vandarieva with knees. They are separated but right back into the clinch they go. Both exchange knees. They break and then immediately return to the clinch and more knees are exchanged as they jockey for position. The clinch is clearly where they both want to fight. More knees exchanged in the clinch with the occasional elbow. Round ends.

Round 3
They get right back into the clinch. Some elbows from Jerdzechick. Clinch after a breka and more knees are exchanged. Leg kicks after being separated. Clinch again, Vandaarieva seems stronger as she is able to get better positioning, but that doesn't stop Jerdzechick from throwing knees. This is a clinch fest. Both fighters landed solid strikes, mostly knees from the clinch. Round ends.

Round 4
Leg kicks are exchange then some punches. Back into the clinch and an elbow by Jerzechick before the they are separated. Both fighters seem to be a little more willing to fight outside of the clinch this round. Jerdzechick with some solid leg kicks and hand combinations. The fight seems to be pretty even when they clinch. End of the round.

Round 5
Vandarieva goes for the clinch right away. They are broken up and Jerdzechick with some nice punch combinations followed by leg kicks. Vandarieva clinches and throws some knees. LEg kicks by Jerdzechick. Clinch again and both fighters throw knees. Kicks exchanged out side of the clinch. Nice right hand by Jerdzechick. Flying knee by Jerdzechick. Round ends.

Result: Ekaterina Vandarieva def.. Johanna Jerdzechick via decision

Tournament Semi Finals
Ibrahim Konate (Africa) vs. Andrei Kulebin (Belarus)

Round 1Kulebin starts things off with a leg kick. He catches a Konate kick and tosses him to the canvas. They clinch and knees to the body by Kulebin. Head kick by Kulebin blocked. Clinch and more knees from Kulebin. Kulebin looks stronger in the clinch. Nice combination by Konate. Clinch and more knees by Kulebin before they hit the mat. Clinch again and an elbow by Kulebin followed by knees. Leg kicks by Konate, nice punches by Kulebin and then an elbow. Leg kick by Kulebin. Knees by Kulebin as the round ends.

Round 2
Kulebin comes out pressing the action. Konate tries to fire back with some shots but Kulebin clinches. They break and Kulebin stalking Konate. Body shot by Kulebin. Head kick blocked by Konate. They clinch and Kulebin with some knees. He tosses Konate to the canvas. Kulebin using his hands, but nothing significant lands. Clinch and Kulebin with elbows and knees. Kulebin is clearly stronger in the clinch. Konate has no answer for Kulebin's attacks. Body kick by Kulebin then into the clinch, but no action before the referee breaks them apart. Body shot by Kulebin. Round ends.

Round 3
Leg kick by Kulebin to start the round. Konate fires back with a 1-2. Kulebin with a push kick. Body shot followed by a body kick. Leg kick by Kulebin hurts Konate and the referee gives him an eight count. Kulebin back to attacking the legs and the fight is stopped by the referee as Konate hits the deck.

Result: Andrei Kulebin def. Ibrahim Konate via (T)KO (Leg Kicks) in Rd. 3

Tournament Semi Finals
Taylor Harvey (Australia) vs. Ruslan Kushnirenko (Europe)

Round 1
Kushnirenko starts off aggressive. Nice punches and kicks. Knee to the body as Harvey moves in. Harvey can't seem to find his range. They both exchange some nice punches. Kushnirenko with another knee to the body that hurts Harvey, Kushnirenko follows up with another knee and the bout is over as Harvey can't answer the referees count.

Result: Ruslan Kushnirenko def. Taylor Harvey via KO (Knee to body) in Rd. 1

WKN World Title
Andrei Zayatis (Belarus) vs. Alexei Yanin (Ukraine}

Round 1
Yanin with a few kicks to start things off. Body kick by Zayatis. Right by Zayatis then they move int o the clinch where they exchange some knees. Knees to the body by both fighters as they continue to battle in the clinch until they are separated by the referee. Yanin pressing the action. They exchange kicks/ Round ends with them in the clinch.

Round 2
Clinch and they exchange knees to the body. Zayatis on the attack with some punches. Knees to the body by both fighters. Yanin with a punch to the body. Elbows by Zayatis in the clinch. Leg kick by Zayatis. Clinch and Zayatis lands some knees. Nice exchanges from both fighters. Clinch and a knees from Yanin. Yanin misses with an elbow. They clinch and an elbow by Zayatis is answered with knees by Yanin.

Round 3
They exchange kicks to start the round. Yanin takes the center of the ring. Both using there hands well to start this round. Body kick by Zayatis and a knees to the body. Yanin with a knee to the body as well. Zayatis sweeps Yanin. Zayatis on the attack with some punches and kicks. Body shots by Zayatis. Knees in the clinch from Yanin. Round ends.

Round 4
Knee to the body by Yanin. Knee by Yanin answered with a right by Zayatis. Zayatis pressing the action. Knee to the body by Yanin. Body kick followed a push kick by Zayatis. Some nice exchanges with their hands. Leg kick by Zayatis. Not much action as the previous rounds.

Round 5
Kick by Yanin to start off the round. Spinning elbow by Yanin misses. Zayatis with a body kick. Clinch and they exchange knees. Leg kick by Yanin. Nice punches by Zayatis, answered by a knee from Yanin. Yanin with a body kick. Right hand by Zayatis lands. Leg kicks by Zayatis. Right hand followed by a kick by Zayatis. They exchange kicks and the round ends.

Result: Andrei Zayatis def. Alexei Yanin via decision

WKN World Title
Dmitry Valent (Belarus) vs. Samir Dourid (Morocco)

Round 1
 Dourid with some leg kicks. Leg kick by Valent. Dourid works the body and then they clinch but not much happens before they separate. Valent with a punch followed by a body kick. Body kick by Valent caught by Dourid but he can't capitalize. Valent landing some strong punches. They clinch and a few knees are thrown. Round ends.

Round 2
Body kick by Valent. They clinch and some knees are exchanged. Kick by Valent. Valent checks a low kick. Two body kicks by Valent. Clinch and some knees from Valent before they are separated. Leg kick by Valent. Spinning elbow by Valent finds its mark. Round ends.

Round 3
Valent catches a Dourid kick and tosses him to the canvas. Dourid with a leg kick. Body kick by Valent. Leg kicks by Dourid. They clinch and some knees from Valent. Elbow by Valent. Valent pressing and landing some strikes, he is outpointing Dourid. Dourid seems to be more on the defensive as he back up and is waiting for Valent to throw.

Round 4
Kicks by Dourid to start the round. Body kick by Valent. They exchange more kicks. Valent with a left hook as he moves into the clinch, but they separate. Right hand by Valent lands. Leg kicks exchanged. Elbow by Valent. Valent with a solid cross. Round ends.

Result: Dmitry Valent def. Samir Dourid via (T)KO (Corner Stoppage) at the end of Rd.4

WKN Big 8 Tournament Finals
Andrei Kulebin (Belarus) vs. Rusland Kushnirenko (Europe)

Round 1
Kulebin presses to start the fight. They clinch but not much action. Kulebin with an upper cut. Clinch and some knees from Kulebin. Leg kick by Kushnirenko. Leg kick by Kulebin. They clinch and knees from Kulebin. They clinch again but not much as the round ends.

Round 2
Kulebin with kicks to start the round off. Kulebin with a leg kick. Elbow by Kulebin as he moves into the clinch and unloads some knees. Leg kick by Kulebin followed by a body kick. Kushnirenko not offering much of an offense. Clinch and knees to the body by Kulebin. Kulebin clinches again and more knees and as the round ends a knee sends Kushnirenko down. He is able to make it out of the round.

Round 3
Kulebin with a head kick and he immediately begin to go after Kushnirenko. They Clinch and knees by Kulebin. Nice combo by Kulebin followed by a body kick. Kulebin knocks Kushnirenko down after some punches and a head kick land. Kushnirenko gets up and Kulebin goes right back to work. Kushnirenko is fighting back but Kulebin is starting to unload on him. Round ends.

Result: Andrei Kulebin def. Ruslan Kushnirenko via decision to win the WKN Big 8 tournament

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