Monday, October 22, 2012

Dylan Salvador defeats Saiyok at Roschtigrabe Derby

Dylan Salvador and Saiyok Pumphanmuang squared off this past Saturday at Roschtigrabe Derby event in Switzerland, and despite being a young up and coming fighter not many gave Salvador a chance of beating Saiyok. It was a surprise too many when Salvador was victorious after Saiyok could not continue after the first round. It was later discovered that he did not answer the bell due to a knee injury. It is unfortunate that the win was due to an injury, but having a victory over Saiyok on your resume is huge for Salvador.

In one of the other night’s notable fights Hakim Hamech, Salvador’s team mate of Team Nasser K defeated Lumpinee ranked Hongtonglek Chor.Fahsitong. Like Salvador not many expected Hamech to win his bout, but he was able to pull out the upset victory.
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