Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pictures: Training with Paulo Tocha

It is mid February on a Thursday, traffic in Hollywood is horrible and I'm running late. I'm supposed to meet Paulo Tocha at the Fortune Gym in Hollywood for a photo shoot. After struggling to find parking, and with frustration setting in I walk into one of the most nostalgic gyms I have seen. Traffic, parking, all that doesn't matter anymore. Frustration, what frustration its all gone.

I see Paulo and photographer Scott Hirano chatting. I approach them and Paulo greets me with a smile. His personality can put anyone in a good mood, and then he introduces me to Paulo's Angels. Eva Mendoza, Jami Zabner, and Lindsay Dougherty. All three have been learning Muay Thai under the tutelage of Paulo, and they are going to put on a small training session for us. I find a spot next to the ring to watch each of them do pad work with Paulo while Scott begins to snap away with his camera.

The kicks are fast and hard, the combination's fluid, the movement eloquent, the only thing I'm thinking is these girls must have a decent record. Then after Eva, Jami, and Lindsay each have their turn I approach Paulo and ask him how many fights they each have, his response, "zero". Paulo has been training them to step into the ring and compete, and from the looks of it they seem ready at least from the technical aspect of things.

For those not familiar with Paulo Tocha he is a pioneer in Muay Thai. He was one of the first foreigners to be invited to train and join Sor. Thanikul gym in Bangkok, Thailand. On October 31st 1985 he was the first westerner to compete under full Muay Thai rules and win in the People's Republic of China, and believe me when I say that I can continue with a long list of accomplishments as a fighter and trainer. Aside from having a tremendous Muay Thai resume as a fighter and trainer, Paulo has also been able to transcend into the film industry. One of his most notable roles was in the movie Bloodsport with Jean Claude Van Damme in which he played Paco. Paulo Tocha is one of the most interesting personalities in Muay Thai, someone you can talk to and listen to for hours.

Until you have the pleasure of spending a few hours with Paulo Tocha enjoy some of Scott Hirano's pictures of Paulo training Eva, Jami, and Lindsay.

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